
Looking for inspiration?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Crocs and old bones!

We have been busy this half term with schools and family workshops.  From the Ancient Egyptians to creating animation on iPads we have provided inspiration, creativity and enjoyment.

Using iPads pupils have taken stills and short films, editing work together to create a short slideshow of visits to Wakefield Museum.  Pupils have used an object from the Waterton display, at Wakefield museum, as inspiration to draw their own amazing animals.

Inspired by the Waterton collection of 'created' animals, year 2 pupils designed their own on iPads!

Pupils have also had the opportunity to come up close to objects from the museum's archaeology collections.  Egyptian artefacts have been taken into school to support their learning.  The objects allowed pupils to gain further insight on the ancient beliefs and culture of the past.

A mummified crocodile was among the objects taken into school this week!

The explorer Charles Waterton was brought to life in a 'Specials Week'. KS1 Pupils were enthralled by the tales of Charles’ trips to the rainforests of South America and learned about the habitat of the caiman crocodile.
Charles Waterton (Histrionics) proud of his collection

This week we have also launched a completely new session in which pupils become archaeological scientists to examine the effects that diet can have on our bones.  This new session has been developed for the You Are What You Ate project – a collaboration with The University of Leeds and The University of Bradford, and has been very well received so far!

The teachers in the very first session said:
What immediate impact do you think the experience had on the pupils?
Interest in investigating and drawing up on conclusions from the evidence – this is something that we expect them to do during lessons and this workshop enabled them to see why we do this.

The class were very interested and it gave them the opportunity to use clues and look for evidence to develop their thinking. I am sure it developed their interest in learning about the past.

And the responses from pupils were just as enthusiastic:
What did you enjoy about your visit to the Museum?
About skeletons which will help me in my future because I am going to be a doctor.

I liked working with the bones and putting them together.

That I could learn with my friends and listening to other people.

These sessions: Skeleton Secrets, are being offered free for a limited time. If you would like to book a session for your school, please email or call 01924 302700 for more information.

Our Crafty Crocs have been busy creating fish and sea themed crafts.  From lolly stick fossils to turtle shell printing and seascape painting our group of 2-5year olds have been up to their elbows in paint.  The next Craft Croc session is on Tuesday March 4th at 10-11am and 1:15 – 2:15pm – to book call 01924 302700 or e-mail 

If you are interested in learning and events with Wakefield Museums, do visit our new site, Museums Learning, where opportunities for schools, families and adults will be regularly updated.  

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