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Friday, July 20, 2018

West Yorkshire Museums

A new video has been launched to highlight the amazing local authority attractions across West Yorkshire, and of course, we are part of it! 

West Yorkshire’s museums, galleries and historic houses regularly feature in surveys of the most visited free and paid visitor attractions in the region.

West Yorkshire’s museums burst with world history, culture and local heritage, from prehistoric monsters and treasures of Ancient Rome and Egypt to a real Victorian street. From liquorice in Pontefract to the Duke of Wellington’s very own Wellington boots in Halifax.

Local art galleries house masterpieces by Moore and Lowry in Huddersfield, Hockney in Bradford and one of the best British art collections outside London in Leeds. Other attractions include historic halls and houses, watermills and ruined monasteries, castles and country estates, as well as beautiful parkland walks.


Video made by WYLAMP (West Yorkshire Local Authority Museum Partnership)

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