
Looking for inspiration?

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Digital Arts Workshops with Guy Schofield

This January, artist Guy Schofield is hosting a series of free digital making workshops for 12-16 year olds about generative art!

Guy Schofield helping a young participant at one of the digital arts workshops. There are printouts of information next to them, including an image of Richmal Mangnall
Artist Guy Schofield working with young participants at the Digital Arts Workshops

The workshops are inspired by Richmal Mangnall and her work. 

Richmal Mangnall was the head of Crofton House school from 1808-1820. She wrote educational books which used simple questions and answers as a way of teaching young people about the world. 

The workshops are exploring how question and answer systems are used in modern technology, including games and digital art. 

A painting of Richmal Mangnall. She is a white woman with curly brown hair tucked up into a white hair wrap. She is wearing a very high-necked, long-sleeved white dress and a chunky orange beaded necklace. She is holding an open book and looking towards the painter with a slight smile, with more books positioned beside her.
Richmal Mangnall by John Downman, 1814. © National Portrait Gallery, London

Using software including Processing and Unity, young people will learn programming and game design skills for making amazing digital artworks. They will explore generative art: images created by rules you program yourself. 

No experience in programming is required to take part and each workshop will be different. You can attend one workshop, several or all of them.

The final works will be included in an exhibition at Wakefield One in January 2023. 

Some great work has already been produced at the first two workshops and we can't wait to see what our young people do next!

Young participants busy at work on laptops creating digital art

One participant at the workshops busy creating digital art with another watching on

All attendees must be dropped off and picked up by a parent or guardian. Parents and guardians are also welcome to stay and take part!

The remaining workshops are:
Wednesdays 11 and 18 January, 4 until 7 in the Learning Zone at Wakefield One

Saturdays 21 and 28 January, 10 until 3 in the Pontefract Suite at Wakefield One

Click here to book onto the remaining workshops 

Click here for example of Guy's work on his website 

*Please note, no food will be provided at these sessions and so participants may wish to bring a packed lunch with them.

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