Local History: Castleford resources

There's over 15,000 years of human history to explore in Castleford!

Bring the past to life with our teaching and learning resources.

Want to see our incredible objects for yourself? Find out more about our School Workshops.

Old photograph of Castleford high street

Castleford's Past - image bank

KS2, KS3 and KS4

A wide range of photographs from Castleford's history

Photographs, supporting information

Castleford's Past image bank - open folder in Google Drive
Part of the Roman displays in Castleford Museum, with a mannequin in replica Roman centurion armour in the forefront and a series of Roman statues and amphorae in the background.

Roman Castleford resources

KS2, KS3 and KS4

Blog articles, videos, virtual tours and activities exploring life in Lagentium

Roman Castleford page

Explore our School Workshop programmes

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